Laser Diode Specifications - Sanyo DL3148-037

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635nm / 7mW / 5.6mm package

Absolute Maximum Ratings (Tc=25�C)

Characteristic Symbol Value Unit vld_san.gif (1914 bytes)
DL3148-037  5.6mm Package
Internal Circuit & Pin Connections
Optical output power Po 7 mW
Laser diode reverse voltage VR(LD) 2 V
Photodiode reverse voltage VR(PD) 30 V
Operating temperature Topr -10 to +50 �C
Storage temperature Tstg -40 to +85 �C

Optical and Electrical Characteristics (Tc=25�C)

Characteristic Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Condition
Threshold current Ith - 20 40 mA CW
Operating current Iop - 30 50 mA Po=5mW
Laser diode operating voltage Vop - 2.3 2.5 V Po=5mW
Lasing wavelength lp 630 635 640 nm Po=5mW
Beam divergence (parallel) q // 6 8 10 deg Po=5mW (FWHM)
Beam divergence (perpendicular) q ^ 25 30 35 deg Po=5mW (FWHM)
Differential efficiency dPo/dIop - 0.5 - mW/mA -
Monitor current Im 0.1 0.25 0.4 mA Po=5mW
Astigmatism As - 8 - microns Po=5mW

Disclaimer: The laser diode information summarized above is based on the respective diode manufacturer's commercial catalog and/or data sheet specifications. The data is presumed to be accurate; however, it is subject to change without notice. Optima makes no representation as to the accuracy of the information and does not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions contained herein.  The user must refer to the manufacturers specifications for details concerning the intended application and operation, diode limitations, and safety.

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Last modified: March 31, 2019